Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Using bibtex with latex for IEEEtran formats

Make sure that your current directory shoud contain IEEEtran.bst and IEEEtran.cls files.
In your .tex file, just before the \end{document}, include these lines


where \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} uses the IEEEtran.bst and \bibliography{bibfile} is used to add the bibliography to your document.
Here, bibfile.bib is the document containing your references in bibtex format.

To compile in Kile, run

in the order given above.

Possible errors:
1. Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \end{thebibliography}

This is infact a simple error and I spent about 3 hours debugging it just to find that I didnot include the .bst in my folder.
Another possible reason is when you use \bibliography{IEEEabrv, bibfile}. Jus delete the IEEEabrv.
Also, make sure there is atleast one \cite{} refering to any one reference in your document.
Everytime you run the above commands to correct this error, make sure to delete the previous .aux file from the working directory. The error may keep showing up just because it was pointing to the old .aux file. Jus delete .aux file before you proceed.

Happy texing..

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